
Parenting Struggles: When and How To Intervene


Parenting presents a plethora of tremendous and varied obstacles, for both new and seasoned parents. The hardest thing for a parent to do is to know when to give the appropriate response when an issue comes up. With so much contradictory advice available on any given topic, it is easy to become bewildered and overwhelmed in the social media and digital age environment. There could not be a quick repair or an immediate correct response to any issues when pushed into this confusion.

However, for the believing mother, the solution lies in partnering with God. The believing mother must view her child as a God-given gift and understand that she is raising the child for God. Relying on God, seeking His face in every situation for guidance via prayer, standing on His promises in that situation, and exercising confidence in the Word of God while on the road are all methods to gain strength and wisdom. When healing or solutions are viewed through this lens, the burden is placed in the capable hands of Jesus, the burdenbearer. He is able to provide a divine solution. He will reveal, direct, strengthen, and empower you. The father is the head of the family in God’s genuine design for parenting. The father needs to provide a positive example. “Fathers, avoid irritating your children; rather, raise them in the training and instruction of the Lord,” the Bible advises. NIV: Ephesians 6:4.

Here are some of the promises of God that you as a believer can rely on: “Give your burdens to the LORD. and he will take care of you. He shall not permit the godly to slip and fall.” Psalm 55:22 (NLT). “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (NLT). “He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With a long life, will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.” Psalm 91:15-16

Some of the challenges a believing mom will confront and some possible interventions are: 


INTERVENTIONS: (a) Assist your child in building his confidence to overcome insecurities, low self esteem, trying to belong or please everyone, fear of rejection, and seeking acceptance from peers. (b) Teach the children the culture of putting things in the hands of God. Put God in the center of things in your life and home. Teach your child how to rely on God while he is doing his own part. (c) Ask for God’s help as you go on in the pursuit. (d)  Acknowledge that you cannot do it all by yourself.


INTERVENTIONS: (a) Encourage your child not to take everything on social media at face value. (b) Set boundaries for your child to adhere to. © Social media can be very deceptive and manipulative, teach him to not fall headlong for what he sees or hears on it, and not to be  vulnerable. (d) Do your homework; be careful, and do not be a social media addict. If others are doing something, it does not mean that it is good for you. (e) Teach him how to value himself. and have discernment. (f) Teach him to know that his worth, identity, and significance are in Christ, and he should always look forward to pleasing and trusting Him.


INTERVENTIONS: (1) Prioritizing your time is critical, especially when parenting feels never-ending. In today’s fast-paced environment, caring and staying on top of things are always on the minds of parents. It is evident that things will not get simpler, so learn to prioritize properly. (2) A believing mother must know how to pray for everything,  regardless of how big or small. (3) She must understand how to multitask and organize her activities effectively. (4) She must be attentive to each child’s needs and personality in order to serve him/her well without comparing him/her to another child, and she must consider potential solutions that will benefit him/her and her family. (5) She must pray for wisdom, strength, and guidance from the Holy Spirit.


INTERVENTIONS: Believing moms must directly (1) create  healthy relationships and communication with their children, rather than probe. (2) They must remain close to their children, demonstrating love, trust, and integrity. (3) They must respect and honor their children’s contributions, listen attentively, and avoid being arrogant or partial. (4) Allow your children to express their thoughts by validating and empathizing with them to foster trust, rather than jumping in with your own views and dominating the conversation. (5) Pray for wisdom in asking questions, as well as for how they will be received. (6) Correct and discipline in love when needed, and explain why discipline is imposed. (7) Be patient with them, and provide a good example by honoring God in whatever you do and say, putting Christ in the center of your home, and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you.

Indirect ways of communicating with your children are: (1) let them see in you love, forgiveness, humility, moderation, meekness, yet firm and disciplined. (2) Forbid pride and rebellion. (3) Avoid excess, waste, looseness, and worldliness. (4) Practice contentment, and godliness. Let your children see all of these direct and indirect ways in you and in your home. With God, nothing shall be impossible. The Bible says, “Train up a child the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (KJV). “Direct your children unto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it,” Proverbs 22:6 (NLT). “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NIV).


INTERVENTIONS: Since God has established His order, there is no ranking of these two in terms of importance.  For Christians, the order is God first, family second, and work third. God wants you to work hard and support your family, but as a believing mother, you must acknowledge that God is in charge, and He will be guiding and regulating everything. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you,” states Matthew 6:33.  God has selected or permitted you to be in any role at any given time, whether it be that of a wife, mother, full-time or part-time employee. God sees and knows everything about you. So, if you will depend on Him and honor Him, and put yourself, your family, and work under Him, He is able to work it out for you in all that concerns you, meet you at your point of need, and supply you according to His riches in glory. God is faithful in fulfilling His promises. Just be prayerful, believing, trusting, and waiting patiently.


INTERVENTIONS: A believing mom must not be slack in noticing anything that is at variance with the mind or will of God for her child or children. Examples of difficult mannerisms are lying, whining, unhealthy sibling rivalry, excessive crying, aggressiveness, disobedience or out-of-control behavior, tantrums, excesses, and bad eating habits. Do not allow your children to be on the run or run the home with any of these difficult habits. A believing mom who is observant must be quick to bring any of these to God in prayers for help, in spite of available therapies. God is the one who knows how He will bring solutions and direct your path. This does not mean that you will not do your part or responsibility. God puts those children under your care for His purpose. You will be accountable, so ask God to direct  and strengthen you to do your part in the hard work of parenting, and believe that He will do His own part. God cannot fail.


INTERVENTIONS: When these happen, a believing mom must be strong, seek the face of God, and trust Him that He will not fail her. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” (KJV). “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 (KJV).