Frustrated mother with hand on forehead and closed eyes sitting near African American son near wall in room at home

Healing Challenges of A Christian Believer Mom


September 10, 2024  By Nikki


Christian mothers might encounter a wide range of physical and mental health issues. As a believer, the Christian mother must wholeheartedly trust God in all matters, including healing, whether the solutions come easily, slowly, or appear to never come. She can use any available therapy, but she must trust in God for the best results. Her mind must be centered on the fact that God is with her, and she is not alone. She must have faith and trust in God, knowing that He cannot fail and will see her through in the way He chooses and directs. Some of the issues that we confront include:


(1) Physical And Emotional Healing

God is still healing wounds of the body and of the mind, either acute or chronic. What a believing mom needs to do is to believe and trust in God’s Word and promises to that situation. You, as a child of God, have been given authority through Christ Jesus. Take that authority through Christ, and speak to that situation according to the Word and will of God for you. Psalm 107:20 says, “He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.” Stand on the Scripture and keep on confessing, believing, and trusting in the Word of God because it can never return back void until it has accomplished that which it was sent for.


Reject the lie of the devil, and keep on speaking the Word of God upon your life and your situation without any doubt, fear, or worry, even when it does not make sense. Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” (NIV). “Beloved, I pray you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers,” 3 John 1:2 (NKJV).


(2) Spiritual Healing 

 Be well connected to God through Christ Jesus, and secure with Him by forgiving those that have wronged you. Unforgiveness will be a serious obstruction or obstacle to your prayers being heard by God. You, as a child of God, have been forgiven for your sins and rebellion towards God. If you have been forgiven your huge sins, you ought to forgive others, like God, your Father, so that your ways can be clear for God to move on your behalf and heal you.


(3) Balancing Faith and Medical Advice

Believe and trust God wholeheartedly. Have faith in His promises without any doubt, fear, or worry. While you are applying your faith and patiently waiting for the manifestation of your healing to happen, take advantage of any medical provisions and therapies available. Remember, God allows these treatments for your own good. He is the One that makes it possible for them to exist for your good. He knows how and when to heal you. Be thankful to God for the provisions that He allowed. Do not be influenced by any negative pressures or judgmental opinions or utterances. Be steadfast.


(4) Brokenness for God and Personal Growth

Pray that you will see yourself for who you are, or that God will reveal you to you. Ask for His help whenever this occurs. Don’t resist or condemn yourself. Forgive yourself and others. Agree with the way God sees you through Christ. Believe in His promises for you. Recognize that you need God and other people; all of these will enhance your spiritual growth, mental and physical well-being.


(5) Faith and Healing Disappointments

When we are facing challenges and obstacles, delayed answers or solutions that may not come will frustrate us.  The way to minimize disappointment or even rejoice in the Lord without being miserable or giving up is to remember that God is always good. He loves and cares for us regardless of our circumstances. He knows us completely and understands what is best for us. We must continue to have faith and trust Him. He has the perfect answer. Romans 8:28 states, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” (KJV).