The Challenges of Parenting



When it comes to marriage and marital life, what many newly married couples come to face can be stressful and undaunting. For the Christian mom, standing on the promises of God comes to play in all the challenges she is likely to face. Trusting in the Lord always will be the covering that strengthens the believer. 

Read the following verses of scripture: [NKJV].

Psalm 71:1-3

1 – In You, O Lord, I put my trust; Let me never be put to shame.

2 – Deliver me in Your righteousness, and cause me to escape; Incline Your ear to me, and save me.

3 – Be my strong refuge, To which I may resort continually; You have given the commandment to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress.

Proverbs 30:5

5 – Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.


Here are ten (10) areas of challenges that a believer mom will face in parenting:

1.  Balancing Faith and Modern Values:

One of the difficult tasks a mother will be facing is the area of teaching her children to live by biblical principles in a secular world that is fragile and at the same time sensitive. In this era of freedom and technology, it will be the wisdom of God that helps in navigating societal values that may conflict with Christian values. 

Definitely, there must be a way of teaching children about God and the Bible while at the same time addressing children’s questions and doubts about faith.

2.  Maintaining Spiritual Growth:

Finding time for personal spiritual development amidst parenting duties is never an easy task but it is doable. In Philippians 4: 13, it says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. You got to stir yourself up by encouraging family prayer, Bible study, and church attendance.

3.  Disciplinary Routines:

In carrying out disciplinary routines, the results you get would depend on the level of spiritual maturity existing in the home. Implementing discipline that reflects Christian values of love, patience, and forgiveness will involve a life of righteousness and knowledge of the word of God. The key to success will then be the balancing of firmness with grace in corrective measures.

4.  Are you a Role Model? As parents, we must strive to be consistent Christian role models in words and actions. Surely, there will be personal struggles while trying to set a positive example for the child or children to follow. What should be  avoided is a situation that can lead to social isolation or exclusion due to religious beliefs.      

5.  Community and Church Involvement:

How does a believer mom encourage her children’s participation in church and faith-based activities? Through prayers and God’s guidance, dealing with conflicts or differing views within the church community should not be a big headache for the parent.

6.  Educational Choices:

Deciding between public, private, or homeschooling to align with faith values can be difficult, especially if your State or County has a contrary educational model that is not really Christian. It is the same scenario that plays here in addressing secular teachings that may contradict Christian beliefs.

7.  Cultural and Moral Issues:

To be explaining and defending Christian perspectives on hot-button issues like sexuality, marriage, and morality may be a big burden. The Bible is really specific in addressing these issues. The parent that is a Christian believer has to be humble, kind and full of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in teaching children to respond to cultural challenges and moral choices.

8.  Emotional and Mental Well-being:

The emotional issues you will not like to toy with have to relate to stress, anxiety, and worry of a parent. Seeking support from faith communities and spiritual groups within the Church may be a good idea. How does one respond to significant life changes with faith? We need divine direction in teaching children to trust God during uncertain times.

9.  Financial Responsibilities:

As a parent, one needs to balance financial stewardship with the needs and wants of the family. Efforts must focus on teaching children about tithing, love, charity, and responsible spending.

10. Encouraging Purpose and Service:

There is the need to start instilling a sense of purpose and calling in children’s lives.When one encourages acts of service and compassion towards others, it builds up character and Godliness in the children.